
By Rebecca Mohr, 威尼斯人平台 沟通s Manager

Mijatović Looks at Humanity in Conflict as a песник (poet)

诗人兼翻译家, Milica Mijatović ’18 is ready to step into the international spotlight with her new chapbook, “粮食战争,” and guest appearance at the Cork International Poetry Festival in Cork, 爱尔兰.

出生于布伦科, 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那, Mijatović immigrated to the United States with her family as a young girl. The family relocated to Akron, 俄亥俄州, but Mijatović spent most summers with her grandparents and extended family back home.

“My summers spent in Brčko were influential, because I got to be home, surrounded by family and friends, in a place where I could speak my native language, where I could learn more about where I’m from, 我的文化和历史, really learn more about myself,米贾托维奇说.

Located in Southeastern Europe, Brčko, 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那, has a long history of conflict. After a turbulent and bloody 90s, the city is now free of war and self-governing.

“I think it’s a stereotype of immigrant parents that they push their kids into careers that may not be the best for them, like being an attorney or doctor,米贾托维奇说. “My dad was adamant that my education was my job, but my parents have always encouraged my sisters and me to do what makes us happy.”

Despite developing a love of writing at an early age, Mijatović never really thought of a career in the arts. When she discovered Charles Simic, a Serbian-American poet, it was a turning point in her life.

“他和我一样是塞尔维亚人, so he comes from the same area of the world that I do, it was a moving moment for me when I found out more in depth who he was,米贾托维奇说. “I found that out in high school, that’s sort of the moment I learned what poetry was or could be.”

When looking at colleges, Mijatović felt a deep connection with 资本 right away. During her first visit to campus, she bonded with her future mentor. “I remember sitting in Professor Griffith’s office with my Dad and he asked me what I thought about something,米贾托维奇说. “I felt like my opinion really mattered and I was in the right place.”

“I actually knew Mil even before she enrolled at 资本, as she attended one of my classes during a campus visit. I could tell even then that she was extremely talented, she did not disappoint, becoming one of the best 英语 majors I have known,凯文·格里菲斯说, 英语教授. “She is the kind of driven person who excels at everything she does. And now she is on the cusp of a career as a major poet, one who already has had international success.”

在资本工作期间, Mijatović was actively engaged in campus activities, including the Gerhold Lecture in the Humanities. The experience of connecting directly with professionals in her field continued to inspire her throughout her time as an undergraduate student.

后资本, Mijatović was accepted into the prestigious Boston University Master of Fine 艺术s in Poetry program. 在所有的M中.F.A. programs, Boston was at the top of her list.

Mijatović’s work has been published in 圣安娜河评论, 夜鹭的树皮, 喋喋不休的人除其他外. 她即将出版的小册子, “粮食战争,” is a collection of poetry deeply inspired by her own experiences in a war-torn area.

“The poems in ‘War Food’ are a collection of dreams and stories and people, 虚实兼备, that come from the same place I do, a place that was riddled with war most recently in the ’90s,米贾托维奇说. “Growing up bi-continentally allowed me to, as cliche as it might be, experience the best and worst of both worlds. ‘War Food’ is one result of that.”

2023年5月, Mijatović will travel overseas to participate in the annual Cork International Poetry Festival. She will read poems from “粮食战争” and participate in the “Poetry in a Time of War – What Use is Poetry” roundtable discussion with poet and festival director Patrick Cotter and poets Carolyn Forché and Suji Kwock Kim.

For more information about Milica Mijatović, visit http://www.milicamijatovic.com/.

For more information about the Cork International Poetry Festival, visit

For more information about Creative Writing at 资本, visit